Terminalia catappa, Linn.

Family: Combretaceae

Common Name : Indian almond

Telugu Name : Badam

General :

A highly ornamental tree, much planted throughout the State in avenues, households and gardens. It is indegenous to Andaman Islands . Identified by whorled branches, the leaves turning deep red in cold season before falling. Recommended for plantation in loose, deep soil, filled up wells or large filled pits and sandy wastelands.

Flowering :

White folowers in slender axillary spikes appear in February to May.

Fruiting :

The fruits ripen in June to July

Morphology of the Fruit/Seed :

Fruit is a drupe, oval, compressed, smooth with elevated navicular (boat-shaped) margins, 5 cms long, yellowish when ripe, pericarp fibrous and fleshy, endocarp hard, oblong with a rough surface.

Seed Collection and Storage :

The seeds are available in adequate quantities in June and July. Seeds should be sown immediately.

Seed Biology :

No. of fruits per Kg.

Germination percentage

Plant percent

No. of seedlings per Kg. of fruit






Seeds should be placed in little heaps for successful sprouting.

Nursery Technique :

This tree can be raised from the seed, either by direct sowing or by planting out nursery raised seedlings. The seeds are put in the polythene bags in July and one year old seedlings are planted out in the field.